
Here is what I've done since I bought it.

Replaced old vacuum tubing and reconnected a disconnected tube to the boost. -1 hour time, $10-$15 cost

Rack damper adjustment -30 minutes time, $55 cost

Fixed drivers seat spring issue with pool noodle -1 hour time, free pool noodle

Bought spare parts off a guy for $50. Included chrome wheelbase covers, new seats (which I didn't use), a new floor peddle, spare bulbs and taillight covers, and a new inside door handle plastic bit -Time installing 1 hour, $50

Took apart passenger door to try and fix control box for seat motors, now it moves up and down and forward and back but still no upper control. -1 hour 30 minutes

Bought Lubro Molly, Fuel Filters (Spin on and Primary), and new fuel lines, then ran a diesel purge. -1 hour time, $30

Replaced oil filter and changed oil. -1 hour time, $55

Reconditioned and polished all leather -3 hours, $10 for blue shoe cream and polish

Bought blue vinyl and had my wonderful grandma re-sew backseat headrest area -?? time, $15

Replaced motor mounts and fuel filler neck seal -3 hours 30 minutes time, $50

Replaced drivers seat with gray seat with better springs and splicing all the wires. Then replacing gray seat with old blue one after splicing failed. Then re-splicing wires to old blue seat -4 hours, no cost (listed above)

Fixed drivers side speaker that wasn't playing -30 minutes, no cost

Adjust Bowden Cable to smooth out shifting -10 minutes, no cost

Other odds and ends -2 hours, no cost

Total time -20 hours 10 minutes
Total cost -$280 in repair + $200 for car =$480

Still to do?
Maybe another diesel purge now that everything else is right.
Splice wires back to the trunk light (someone cut them)
Fix tachometer (not a priority, I already tried once..no luck)
Try to fix parking brake

That's all I can think of for now. Otherwise she drives beautifully, all the power windows and sun roof work, the seats are good, the outside is good and I can't think of anything else wrong.